
Just to stay busy while he's out, I say Lorenzen should be the River Monster's mascot. He doesn't even need a costume.

Yeah saw that too. Hair gel 1, Bic 0.....

It runs a little deeper than that. He won't be playing defensive end in the NFL at his size. So he's going to be playing linebacker. Unfortunately that's all any GM needs to pass on the guy without even brushing his sexuality. I would be thoroughly amused to see how this played with a Johnny Manziel or Jadeveon

For him personally, the timing couldn't be better. The massive amount of media play will be long gone by the time he hits training camp.

The reply below yours nailed it actually. I realize this site leans a little left, and I feel a majority of the commenters do as well. The issues brought up with Sochi tend to be a hotter button with liberals. I definitely didn't include it as a swipe.

Uh, don't we just call this euthanizing here in America? I know Russia's rightfully on the liberal shit list right, but this article is a little silly....

Rather than use a bunch of big words and act like the smartest guy in the room (like Whitlock,) I'll just keep it simple and call him a racist.

I went to Georgia Southern, and most of the local stations were based in Savannah. This is just one example of the gold we got from local commercials there.

I've driven by this thing before. It's pretty accurate for a peach, except for that anal wart at the bottom....

Ironically a smart phone is the downfall of another dumb crook.....

Yeah, we were 8 inches shy of playing Informer......

I'm sure I'm being very black and white here, but it seems like there are a lot of activists happy to demonize the biggest sporting event in the U.S. for their cause.

This came to mind after seeing the "soft" requirement:

The fact tells 9 out of 10 applicants don't even get hired tell me that this chick needs to find something else to do. It's laughable to act like you're a field laborer, when there are a number of jobs that only require you be a hot girl...

Jameis Winston = Smash Williams.

All I can say as a Georgia Southern grad is "SOCON, SOCON, SOCON!!!!!"

Is it just me, or do you have the most ironic username in the history of internet comments?

It's delicious when you're eating it. But take it home first, you're going to want your own toilet.

Now I understand why they switched from gold to black pants with their road uniforms. You've got to camoflauge the results of the impending Pop-Ass Syndrome....