
You only think its misogynistic because you want it to be. Its hated on because it looks like a crappy, unnecessary reboot. Youre inserting your own bias into your perception of other peoples statements to give them the motivation YOU want.

The hate leveled against it on this website has been solely because it looks awful. It’s got nothing to do with the women cast.

Ryuk isn’t a psychopath...

For the record, I don’t give a shit if it’s all girls. Two of my Top 10 favorite anime ever have a main cast of all women and one of which is one of girliest anime ever. And another has a woman as the main character with another two have most of the supporting cast as female. I legitimately enjoy Supergirl. I really

If that’s the new version of the classic ‘Ghostbusters’ theme.... god it sounds terrible! If you are going to retread everything else from the original film then you might as well use the original Ray Parker Jr. theme. What a horrible cover version! Who the hell is singing this one????

Or...the movie just doesn’t look good. It really looks like shit.

Katheryn Winnick is Captain Marvel.

I agree 100%.

Nothing against her at all, but I’ve been on a Vikings binge the past 2 weeks so I’m still thinking:

They’re missing the key aspect: the original GBs had a distinct 80s NYC cynicism about them. This crew is too... enthusiastic / altruistic?

Apparently so. I think to stop such awful cultural appropriation we need to stop mixing the cultures, you know, maybe segregate different peoples to stop them mixing. I have a feeling someone else tried this once but can’t remember how it ended. I’m sure it all turned out fine

So now just naming something after mythological creatures is cultural appropriation?

Wouldn’t using these names actually mean that we’re acknowledging the importance of Native Americans - that the magical culture of America never tried to erase them but instead actually lifted them up?

Native American here. These names are ok.

Eastern Band of Cherokee member here. I can tell you, for one, THAT I DON’T CARE AND IT’S NOT RACISM OR WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU’RE TRYING TO MAKE IT OUT TO BE.

Never mind that it got the Emmy for Best Drama, which is voted upon by the entirety of the TV Academy. But haters gotta hate.

Nothing wrong with liking tits and dragons. What’s not to like?

Counterpoint: I think it’s a great show!

Nevermind that the last episode of GoT was the most watched of all-time