
Exactly, it's an uncynical movie in a cynical age.

Which goes to show you how well they did with the language. If they didn't go with a natural-born speaker, they could've screwed it up and went with daisuki desu, which I'm sure would cause a few giggles in Japan. Gotta love this movie's attention to detail.

The film has unbelievably good word of mouth, so it's not over yet. I think we can at least be comfortable with the fact that other great, memorable movies did poorly at the box office, like Blade Runner and Scott Pilgrim(which is very similar to Pacific Rim in being heavily influenced by anime). It'll definitely be a

I just loved how there were no fanservice at all with her. If this were a Bay film, he'd have her wear a bikini instead of armor and every other shot would be of her ass. But this is a del Toro film and del Toro knows how to do respectable, believable female characters.

My Japanese is rusty, though I do see daisuki desu translated as "I love you" so I guess I was thinking that was what it was, not too familiar with aishete imasu, but I believe you that she said it.

Haha, yeah, I don't think even Charlie Day can remember the last time he didn't shout when talking. That's just the way he rolls.

And apparently his whole look and persona, including the habit of shouting when he's supposed to be talking, is based upon J.J. Abrams, and, yeah, you can tell.

I heard "Sensei", can't remember if I heard "daisuki desu." or not, but looking back, I think I did.

The movie is awesome. Ridiculously awesome. Unashamedly ridiculously awesome. Its everything your inner 10-year old wants in a movie. Go watch it.

I believe Trigger is really going to shake things up. Not just with Kickstarter. I think the one huge thing that will shake things up is that they know they have a world-wide audience beyond Japan and are using that audience to help realize their projects. THAT is really going to shake things up.

The cool thing about Trigger is that they can do incredibly awesome animation like Little Witch Academia, while at the same time doing a web series that has next-to-no animation, 4 guys doing all the voices, and the most stupidly insane plot you'd ever see. And yet it's completely hilariously awesome. Stupidly,

With that budget, they could make a 3-hour long Inferno Cop epic movie.

And I'd watch the hell out of it.

Third one down...Yeah, I admit it, I'd love to see more Inferno Cop too.

They're Gainax veterans, so it goes without saying.

Even the names of the characters sound like they're straight out of an anime. Stacker Pentecost, Newton Geizler, Hannibal Chau, Hermann Gottlieb, Yancy Becket. They're less like real names and more like the Japanese idea of a creative western name is, like you'd see in Gundam. Adds wonderfully to the live-action anime

You're right because it was made by Gainax animators (mostly the guys responsible for Gurren Lagann, FLCL and Panty and Stocking) who left to start their own studio.

Early pre-grunge, pre-internet 90s, the later part of the decade was more similar to today.

I told him too, but had to let you know as well. Seriously don't know where he got the idea that she voiced Sailor Moon, as she has a distinctive voice and sounds nothing like Sailor Moon.

Oops, wrong reply, ignore this.

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Here, watch this. You will have no want or need to watch the other swimming anime after watching this. Better voice acting too.

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He was in the most recent Ice Age movie. I'd love to hear him in a Miyazaki movie.