Dumpster Fire

See how the road dips down in the middle in the photo above? They almost reached critical snobbery mass there. A few more Parisians and it would have hit that critical point and an event horizon would have formed.

How do you know when it says “You are here” it's “you" that it’s talking about. Maybe you aren’t "here", maybe you are over "there" and it’s me that’s "here" or maybe neither of us are “here” and " You" is actually the name of an alien race that's "here" while everyone else is over "there"?

You don’t have to go to the library to use TOR. The library is running a TOR server that is part of the network. You don’t have to be at the library to run TOR - and in fact, being at the library would be an incredibly stupid way to use it.

Zach Mueller has mastered the art of the Serial Killer Face

People will always be dissatisfied, but I imagine being minutely vexed is better than getting drone blasted on your way to buy groceries.

Sex isn’t just for me and you.
Why, those valence electrons, they do it too.
But while we can get in snug and tight,
Those inner electrons put up quite a fight.
So when condoms cause some consternation,
Spare a thought for orbital shielding and penetration.

Thanks for reading!

They scored 1/5 stars in explosion test.

The recipe seems to be heavy on the salt, about 5 teaspoons of salt (use 1 or 1.5 if you like). The ingredients also seem to make a pretty fluffy bread with lots of yeast (too much really at 2.5 teaspoons; use 1 teaspoon or less) to supplement the sourdough. The whole thing would be done in less than 2 hours, like the

♫Ding ding♫

It’s ok, just zoom in more. M16 has is covered.

Backdoor sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!!

See, even though Episodes 4, 5 and 6 were released first, George Lucas had always meant Backdoor Sluts to be a trilogy of trilogies - so then he did 1, 2, and 3, and wrapped it up with 7, 8 and 9.

captured this outstanding photograph of three avian dinosaurs doing battle while kayaking

iOS is slick and stable, but ugly as sin. Rigid, regimented blocks that look like they were designed for five year olds and the elderly.

Me turning into a sheep.

I recently took the plunge and switched from iOS to Android.