
Tilt-Shift Timelapse?!?!? Awesome!

Absolutely agree, but it's a problem one of us may have in the future. Now we know the answer before it even becomes a problem :)

Yeah ever since this new commenting system rolled out, I pretty much stopped commenting entirely. I wish I could have my star back.

Purchased... thanks LH!

This chart does not specifically attribute these numbers to the iPhone. Why couldn't this increase in cost account for retina displays on new Macbook Pros, Airs, and iMacs? I think we can all agree retina displays at 15+ inches are the most expensive component of any of Apple products, so couldn't this account for

I believe kids should be taught programming at a very early age. Teaching Java should be treated in the same way French, Spanish, Italian, etc are taught in middle schools. We both know learning to code does not require an actual computer, so cost isn't an issue. What are your thoughts?

Notability may have a few more extraneous features, but Noteshelf is a much better app. Gorgeous design, thoughtful UI, excellent ink physics, retina graphics, downloadable paper designs, and even allows you to use your own paper designs. Worth the $6 for sure.

I used for a long time (thanks to your suggestion, Whitson), but moved to Bookolio after you guys featured it. I love it and everyone should at least check it out if you use Chrome for all your bookmarks:


I was bummed to see that Apple didn't add settings into the notification center, so I thought of something different - adding them below the Spotlight Field. Check it out: [].

SnagFilms has a huge catalog of independent and documentary films. Be sure to check their list:

Vote: Spotify

I think you're right, it's just going to be "iPhone" just like what they did with "iPad"

Good point. I actually kindof liked my original iPhone even though it had that "chin." The metal back was really nice to hold, so I do hope they move from glass & plastic to their brushed aluminum. But I think we can both agree this isn't the design they'll accept.

I guess Apple only cares about where the money is, and right now that's mobile. I'm sure they'll refresh the Mac Pro thought... no point discontinuing it simply for the upgrade-less iMac.

Dell 1905s. Bought through Craigslist for like 50 bucks...

Hahah, well my "office" is just our only walk-in closet (my wife is awesome). It's 54" by 54" but fits everything with my custom desk and shelves I built... but I can't imagine only having 4" to spare on either side of my chair!!

I actually do have an LED strip (Dioder from Ikea) behind the monitors and it looks sweet at night. It's just white - I wouldn't really want colors :)

True, but these mobile processors are becoming more and more powerful. Maybe they could launch with one of those quad-core Android phones. I bet the 4S and new iPad could handle it, though.

I don't think Mr. Ive would allow the metal to butt-up against the camera like that. The camera should be the same distance from the top as it is from the metal. For that reason, I think this is fake. I'm hoping they make the back identical to the iPad's - their brushed aluminum (or whatever it is, liquid metal?)