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I'm surprised there aren't any Bluetooth headsets up there. I mean when you're running, is sound quality the most important thing? Absolutely not... that's why I'd pick the Motorola S10 headset (which actually has pretty great sound). They're really light and... WIRELESS.

I came up with an interesting idea over lunch today - let me know if you guys/gals like it:

Fast Forward and Rewind would only be available in stereo headsets. I'd recommend the Motorola S10 headset: []. I have the previous model and it works great - FF/Pause/Play/RW and decent call quality. They're made for working out too, so they're very durable.

If Google buys Pinterest and tightly integrates it into their gorgeous new Google+ UI, I'll use it.

Exactly why I got mine - see my comment below.

I've been using mine for about a week now and I'm really liking it. It's clear my job in front of the computer doesn't keep me moving, and even running 2 miles and weightlifting almost everyday only gets me around 3k Fuelpoints. I think it will help remind me to get up and walk up and down the stairs as a break. It

Whole Foods right above Best Buy - that's interesting to me.

Mine arrives today - can't wait to try it out! I lift weights, so I know this won't help me there... but I work at a desk in front of a computer all day, so I'm hoping this will get me up and moving about more often. I just love the way it looks as a watch...

Haha, oh man. That iPod adapter in the Motorola picture was the first product I worked on at Motorola. Everyone hated me because I used an iPhone as my main phone rather than a Motorola one... but comon, it was for testing! Then Apple updated their Bluetooth firmware to include A2DP/AVRCP and that killed that

Next time, can we say "Peapod" instead of "Fresh Direct?" Comon, how many loyal Fresh Direct commenters do you have :)

I can agree with you on this one, although I do need push for work since people do expect quick responses. But for personal email, I may try switching to pull using the native mail app before I jump for Sparrow. I figure if I'm in the mood to check email, it will pull the latest messages whenever I open the app

Haha I always open up wikipedia and search for the symbol I need to use... I agree with you - kindof annoying!

Hahaha, absolutely.

I was using my new iPad to stream Modern Family from the ABC app over airplay and the thing got incredibly hot. I also was trying out Air Supremacy since it's one of the first games to be retina-ready, and my iPad became too hot to hold... My iPad2 never had this problem...

Fully agree - those are the killer two features for me. I'll only buy it when I can fully replace the native mail app.

Damn that sounds awesome - do you remember the group that managed that activity? We were looking at the underground caves and they sounded awesome. Anyways, if you remember the name, let me know!

Just thought of another thing that's been killing me. I'm pretty sure this was posted on LH, but I haven't been able to find it. Anyways, I was looking for a flight search engine that basically only asks for the departure and return dates as well as the departure city... what it does is return flight prices based on

If you want to take notes by hand, you should definitely download NoteShelf. It is the best stylus note-taking app out there, bar none. As for recording the meeting, not sure but I would be careful with that - some people may not want to be recorded without knowing before hand.

Happy Friday all. So I finally booked a last minute vacation to Cancun with the wife. We've been together 10 years, but this is actually the first vacation we could afford on our own for just the two of us (aside from our honeymoon), so we're excited. My question is, should we pre-order excursions/activities or