
I hope Apple buys Waze and integrates it completely into iOS. Such an incredible app that will drastically improve with additional users.

I use it everyday at work for taking notes, but I'm a product manager who works on mobile applications, so I also use it for testing our apps. I use my Macbook Pro for Photoshop/MS Office/Corporate Email, my iPad for notes/casual browsing/gaming/testing, and my iPhone 4S for calling/texting/taking pictures/casual

FEED ME! That's all the button you need :)

I had this idea and was close to developing it a couple years ago. I wanted to make an app that just had a big "Feed Me" button and it randomly chose one of your pre-selected items (which you would setup at first). That way when you're intoxicated/lazy, you would just have food delivered without having to make

This is helpful feedback, thanks. I'm like you - if I could just order my bi-weekly groceries online and pick them up within 5 minutes, that would be ideal. I think I would add 20 minutes to my trip in driving time just to avoid having to deal with a ton of other people shopping/checking out, but if it's more than


Thanks! If you like it, pay for the theme on ThemeForest: []. And then when you get it setup, use my custom CSS (in Appearance > Theme Options > Styling Options > Custom CSS): Custom CSS (it's a txt file with the CSS)

I'm in the industry - how far would you drive to go to pick up the food you bought online? Would this have to be a service at the grocery store you usually go to, or could it really be a warehouse somewhere close.

I'm about to listen in, but in the future when you list the topics in the "What's in this Episode" section, I think it would be better to put the time in the video for that topic rather than just a numbered list... That way I can easily jump to that section in the Youtube video.

Very true - I designed it on my 2560x1440 iMac and obviously this doesn't match everyone's specs! I'll rework some of the vertical sizing to bring content up higher on the page. Thanks again!

Wow, this is fantastic thank you so much. I'll clear all of those up!

My malamute ate a skunk once and it was the worst thing ever. We did the tomato juice method, but that didn't really work. I'd definitely go with the MythBuster concoction.

Do you have LivingSocial or Groupon in your city? I just went on a "LivingSocial Adventure" where a couple friends and I took a bus to a shooting range (shot pistols and AK-47s) and then to a winery/brewery... LivingSocial handled all the transportation & itinerary - basically all you had to do is show up and have

Finally finished re-designing my personal website using WordPress and a theme from ThemeForest called "Reaction" - what do you guys think? []

I wish there was something as effective as anabolic steroids that I could take legally. Not the abusive type, just want something that will speed up muscle growth faster than the usual protein/creatine mix...

More videos like this please - especially if they are themed. This one seemed to be "at home hacks," but you could do "at work hacks," "in the car hacks," "travel hacks," etc.

Reminds me of this KickStarter project I donated to: []. I like Fluent based on the demo, but I think MailPilot may beat them on overall experience/UI.

It's a hoax because there is a naked fat dude farting powder. Research complete.

I used nocturne for the menubar, but it's not that great and doesn't work with fullscreen apps. I miss ShapeShifter for Leopard - remember that?

Hahaha. Awesome comment