
Still no dark theme yet... comon Apple, at least give us the option! Basically, I wan't the entire OS to look like Final Cut Pro X.

Agree - that's the best part of the whole damn box!

Not that it matters, but Bell's Palsy involves damage to the seventh cranial (facial) nerve - Lyme's disease can cause this. But you're right that I probably should have said facial palsy.

The deer tick is much deadlier than the deer itself... Lyme's disease is awful - my brother almost died of it and now has bells palsy as a result (half of his face is paralyzed).

I've been using Waze for a couple months now, and I think I can safely say it is one of the best apps available for iPhone. It does everything right - the UI is intuitive, the maps are fantastic, the turn-by-turn is incredibly accurate (and recalculates quickly), and the price cannot be beat.

Just haven't really switched... only renewed for a year. What would you suggest?

Funny this post came out today - I almost forgot to renew my personal site yesterday since it expired today. Luckily I remembered to renew and also search google for GoDaddy coupons - saved 30% in the end.

Amen! I would suggest changing out the backplate with a nice wooden one to avoid scratching/shattering: []

I think nVidia should make a MBPro/MBAir dock that includes a GPU... I would love to have the portability of an air with the added power when I get into work/home.

Pinterest will beat out Twitter if they can support "quotes" or text messages that exceed the 140 character limit. I use twitter to basically broadcast ideas and Facebook to connect with friends/acquaintances. I'll use Twitter less and less if I can broadcast my ideas through text or pictures on Pinterest connected

Hahah - I said the same thing & didn't see your comment. Skyrim would be ideal for this... hope they update to include it.

See, this is what I wanted for Skyrim - would be so much better to just say "soul trap" than have to go through the 1-dimensional UI to find the damn spell.

I'd still take a R.A.T. 9 over that...

vote: interfacelift


Looks pretty good on my 27" iMac, but I agree with others - as long as the imagery used in the posts are relatively high res and don't pixilate, I'll use it.

I like CES because I've been waiting to buy that exact TV... The D8000 is definitely the nicest looking TV out there and I hope it plummets in price.

Vizio is hardly going to "turn the PC business on its ear." Vizio is a company that mastered the art of "off the shelf" manufacturing and development. With their TVs, there hasn't been any innovation; they just slap an elegant and simple design on cheap hardware that is engineered by the Chinese manufacturers who

Thank you, this is exactly what I have been looking for!

Unfortunately, no. At least not yet!