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That or picking his wedgy

Jesus ate pie for your sins
Or something like that

Exactly Chartex, a good trailer is hypnotic. Salvation's trailers were all outstanding, whoever cut those should have cut the actual mess of a movie.

Not really. How many movies do you hope are as good as the trailer? Lots. I hoped that Terminator Salvation would be as good as the trailer. It wasn't. I hoped Dark Night would be as good as the trailer. It was. And I hope Tron Legacy will be as good as the trailer, it might.

I could have a few more years of zombies, personally.

No shit, I can only find a review for Season One which got an F.
But I enjoyed that show…. is there something wrong with me? Or should I just not take AV Club reviews as gospel and have my own opinions and thoughts?

I remember hearing about Zombieland as a TV show. A buddy comedy zombie show would kick ass but certainly not on network TV. Maybe if this is a hit Zombieland could become a show? No? Well I can dream.

I always wanted to know AV Clubs stance on Californication? They seem morally against reviewing it in TV Club but reality shows, Jersey Shore, and Entourage are regularly reviewed…

Some bitch ass cracker told me Zombieland was better than Shaun of the Dead. Now that punk is dead.

Nah Tropic Thunders still good

He recycles it so it can be made into a new Ass book.

This is old hat
Remember Network? They were predicting this shit way back in the 70s. That was about terrorists, but whatever, cameras where entertainment should never be.

unlike the finale which was the best finale ever.

So I guess this deflates the whole Conan Tonight Show kicking Leno's ass thing right?

Every person who passionately displays their disdain for Twitter always includes the line "I've never used it myself"

Sorry everyone, they renamed Web 3.0, it shall now be referred to as only W3B

The thing about Fraser is he looks like a giant teddy bear and he's squirrely voice makes it impossible for him to be an action star. All of The Mummy movies are silly because of how not-badass he is. There were two animal comparisons I made there so it only makes sense he's in a movie like this.

That's what your mom calls her nipples.

That scene was cut because it was "stupid"