
Bring back Netscape!

Well a less funny account got a shitty sitcom, so who the fuck knows right?

Who do you love?

Agreed. Giant Bomb is pretty great. Haven't read Gamespot since he left however, considering their thin veil of legitimacy is the biggest joke in game journalism.

I know who comes on them.

This is one of those movies that fancy pants critics denounce until it's a cult movie years later and suddenly critics say it's genius. Case in point: AV's DVD review of original Piranha.

Yeah, but by the time they see it on TV they are fucking rich as shit again and the world loves them so they figure they'll put their differences behind them and go for another season but this time be a great couple.

You weak humans. They knew it would take at least until season 2 before they would soften you and make you sympathize with these creature people. Weak, weak, weak.

christmascaroloates, to the rescue!

I need an acronym for this or I don't understand.

I live in Toronto
And this just came out on DVD. But it's on TV in the States? Confused.

i need a woman! not a little girl with a fucking dysfunctional cunt!

Mark Wahlberg is officially HBO's Seth McFarland. They just ask him to come in and whatever stupid shit ass idea he has about rich successful contemporary people they make into a show. I mean, I get the idea, it makes the yuck-yucks watching think that hey, they too can become successful because it seems real


Too much? Or not enough?

Is it weird watching porn involving now dead people?

I try to do it quickly because I'm constantly worried that dead relatives are watching me.

I thought people watching porn at libraries was just a myth. Some people really do not give a fuck, do they?

Yet you can't conjure up the energy to self-inflict yourself with CancerAIDS. What kind of man are you?

Ice Cube in a nutshell
"Guns was pulled out."