
I am shocked! Shocked I say!

No, no, you're thinking of Shadow.

The hottest part of Antichrist was when Williem Dafoe ejaculated blood and had his testicles on the receiving end of the giant log. A close second would easily be the deer fetus clinging to the anus of it's unaware or just carefree mother.

Madden 2004 or 06 or go home.

The Fly + Lesbians

I thought Shyamalan's personal story was Lady in the Water cause it was some bedtime fable or some shit? Never saw it so can't say if it's heartwarming.

The funny thing about trying to bring back Goldeneye is how poorly the game has aged. I was playing some multiplayer the other day… my god. The aim-assistance, the slow walking, the C-button movement, the special weapons placements, the buckets of health/body armour.

But there is blood! That means I'm MATURE if I play it, like an adult!

Agreed. This was more enjoyable than most game articles. Although AV Club won't be true to games until they apply their signature snark to the money-grubbing, diminishing returns of the Call of Duty business model and all of it's titles.

It's written by the guy who wrote 28 Days Later and Sunshine as well.

He's like the game world's Joss Whedon!

Those who don't know: Sonic 4 is not developed by Sonic Team, but instead by the guys who made those well-received 2D side-scrolling Sonic's on the Gameboy Advance and I think DS? Team Sonic is forever stuck in kiddie interracial romance manga land.

Cash Money Records dollar sign

I enjoy the manic slide laughter.

Starring Brad Pitt because his production company is behind it and that's how it works right?

GASP it's the dog with the shifty eyes!

Where can I get my hands on this hot piece of fiction?!

I thought Clooney's aesthetic was "if it is political, it's Oscar gold!"

Reluctant comma

As long as Juggalos are beating up shitty celebrities, they're A-OK with me.