
Could lesbians use more lesbian?

I crashed on a tropic island and it did NOT have a smoke cloud that judged me, WTF

Don't act all modest about that first, like you weren't expecting it or cared. DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT

I like AMC
I really do, and I enjoy their attempts to "push the envelope" of TV.. I guess that's what they do right?
This one sounds like a bit much, I dunno, I'll watch it anyway, I don't give a shit, I watch Entourage who am I to complain?

I was an archeologist in the 30's, let me tell you, Spielberg was WAY off

Yeah, it is odd how Comicon and the whole geek subculture is changing, but it's mostly for the best. While the relentless nerds curse their obsessions becoming mainstream, I'm happy about the fact that I can sit and talk about Lost, Asian horror movies, Y: The Last Man and not be a complete loser, a little maybe, but

The only Indy I had on VHS as a kid was Temple of Doom and didn't see the other two until years later. Therefore, I love Temple on a level I can't even appreciate Raiders at. Weird, I know.

My friends sister was a young kid extra on Death to Smootchy. Apparently Robin Williams was very nice and talked to everyone and would sign shit and whatnot but Norton refused to go near them and they were told not to approach him.

Dr. Moreau is my personal favourite of Wells's work.

Maybe Nancy Marchand's health was declining this year so she couldn't film as much?

Todd made some good points in his review about Janice, that her hippy ideals are more a mask to distance herself from the Soprano name, and indeed later in Season 2 she becomes more typically Sopranos sinister, dressing more traditional and letting Ritchie talk down to her more. Of course, when she returns in Season 3

Entourage, Sex and the City, and How to Make It In America

However, I would like to note that the opening montage plus Frank Sinatra is an amazing season opener. Probably the best of the series.

Do Not Resuscitate
The introduction of Janis and her character early on was always a weak point for the second season I felt. Janis was definitely irritating, and definitely comic relief to a point, but for a series that was so articulate about the depth of characters and their many facets, Janet, in the early days,

Yeah, thanks viewers of this "guilty pleasure" as I hear it called. These people get payed huge money every week for doing absolutely nothing because people keep watching them do absolutely nothing and loving it.

And thank you Baxter, I wasn't trying to suggest that unions are evil and we should do without them. I'm saying that because there are so many damn unions and each of these unions seems to concerned with themselves not the other unions or the entire project so there is no middle ground anywhere. Everyone wants

Alright fine people but can we not agree that the Writers Guild assisted in the college subplot of Transformers 2!?!?!?!?

This is why Hollywood is broken
Well not why, but among the many reasons. Too many unions for too many jobs for too big of productions where they are all vital. Everyone has the power to shut down movie productions and now people seem to be doing it just because the last union did so fuck it, they want some

Crawling Chaos. You made the mistake of pointing out your country while looking down at America. The correct way to confirm your smug sense of superiority would be to keep that detail unknown. This tactic will confuse the American and turn him on himself.

I wouldn't say those mixes are bad, just horribly mediocre. So they naturally fit right at home in most clubs.