
The reason I say Oz prequel is unnecessary is the fact that didn't the movie establish at the end it was just a dream? WIZARD OF OZ SPOILER So how can there be a prequel? But I haven't read the book which I might have heard that it's not a dream maybe.

I guess it's nice that walking away from Spider-Man didn't hurt the man, I guess he's just making up for the decade he was trapped in that franchise.

Why do they all sound shitty?
I mean I guess a WoW movie could be cool if it's like the epic cinematic trailers that Blizzard makes, but really, an Oz prequel? It couldn't be more uninteresting if it tried. It's about as necessary as a Robin Hood prequel…

The owner of the restaurant will deny his position if you try to complain and you will notice the staff members walking around barefoot, often very stealthily, but in reality this is just a show for they are actually quite sophisticated in the kitchen.

Sort of like Planet Hollywood.

I would.

The glasses they made Karl wear in Room 23.
The orientation film roll (serious, that'd be kick ass)
The giant cork at the heart of the island
Jack's beard.

I dont care
I'll try to get anything I can. I'll take the god damn passport I don't care. I just want to be that hopeless loser who, when rewatching Lost, can point out to whomever I'm watching with (my stuffed animals) that I have THAT prop, not a duplicate from ABC gift shop, but that actual one.

conor, yes but Chase never questioned who made him likable or that people liked him. Chase seemed to enjoy that we loved Tony, or rather, loved to hate him. He never wanted us to not like him, if that were the case he would have failed and the show probably canceled. The fact that people came around to that later

Of course they have 2 million dollars
Just because their album artwork was created for what seems like $10 doesn't mean these guys are struggling artists. The less they spend on things the more they keep for themselves, it's the indie music secret code!


I also tried to like them. Also failed.

Tony is one of the few educated mobsters that's why. And his level of intelligence flies over the heads of other people, which is why so many people talk behind his back or plan to kill him because they think he's doing stupid things, when actually, they just can't grasp what he's up to.

since I've been watching it again I've wanted to resolve every situation with violence and extort naive people.

Jiakeake, I dunno if Chase was trying to make us hate everyone, wasn't he vocal about his disgust with people who were mad that Tony didn't get clipped in the finale? He bitched about how people cheered Tony on for all these years then suddenly turned and said "no he has to pay".

I'd agree that he is much nastier as the series progresses, but I always thought that it was justified by his increasing paranoia and stress. I mean things get more and more heated on a large scale in later seasons, and it would make sense for Tony to dive downward. He considers whacking basically every friend he has

Yeah this was a pretty brilliant article, good job Noel. And it's true, it really highlighted how this show and its appeal/nature is a very rare thing.

Insert Pun Here wins, pack it up people, time to go home.

Aw shit, I got Dan Brown too.

Poor Tasha
Dan Brown? Clearly that algorithm is sexist.