
@andyengle: Have you never heard of NSF grants? Seriously, dude.

@pdubs1087: I think the hang up is that it looks like a big ass can of soda, prompting worrywarts to assume they're marketing to children instead of their actual target market: blitzed college students.

It's kinda hard to be disappointed in a Hollywood circle-jerk, despite the obvious snubs. At least The Social Network's a much better movie than Ben Button.

Scott Pilgrim's soundtrack was also really good, with some awesome grungy tracks from Beck as Sex Bob-omb.

@Kishi: Glenn Beck would be out an ad job.



Google's strength in my mind always was that they're a collection of engineers making cool shit. I'm for this change, but we'll see where it goes.

Oracle's trying hard to make that Sun purchase seem worth it...

Vote: Google Reader (app)

@Fernando Jorge: No. The general rule is the faster the memory, the more expensive per byte. From fastest we have:

@Sugoi: This is an advancement in RAM, not HDD.


@lifehacker.com19: Not to mention a massive hassle when people come to visit.

One of the benefits of an unsecured network: plausible deniability.

@Matt Katzenberger: That Verizon complaint is actually a limitation of the CDMA network, and it's true of Sprint as well. It'll be moot once 4G rolls out with any real coverage. For now there's no way around it, unless you're also on wifi.