
The show was on for six seasons. If there was any kind of political motivation to keep it off the air, it would have never given more of the un-funny Tim Allen. To an infinity of boring, and beyond!

Then I may be able to watch it. I loved the first episode and the premise.

Just because you don't like doesn't mean other people feel the same way. I can't stand sit-coms in the Seinfeld ilk, but I don't bemoan people that think it's the greatest sit-com of all time. To each his or her own. I'm not trying to argue that TBBT is objectively excellent. I just laugh at it.

I don't know if I could compare them head to head, but the fact that Community had one of my least favorite people in the world, Chevy Chase, on it, I stayed away. Never got him.

Good casts usually make mediocre material better. Look at the stuff that was going on Friends. It wasn't groundbreaking, but the six main actors really did good work.

It's not the height of well-written comedy, fresh ideas, or edgy issues. But it's well acted, funny and genial. There are too many things on TV during this golden age that intentionally mean, gritty or dark for laughs that it can be a bit wearing after awhile. There's something to be said for the TV equivalent of

I love Tom Lennon, but this just didn't seem like a good vehicle for him.

I think there are 60 minutes of really good TV here, not 90. A two-parter would have been stretched too thin. I'd rather an over-packed episode than a boring two-parter.

I've posted this already, but I think Steven's ruminating on his destiny is directly connected to what he chooses to do at the end of "I am my Mom". He doesn't know what he's supposed to do in "Lion 4" but when the crisis moment comes, you can see the resolve, the determination to protect the people that he loves. I

I have always had few criticisms for this series, but the lack of a true threat has been hovering over the show for awhile. Even the introduction of diamonds was more nuanced and less ominous. Aquamarine and Topaz are an immediate and overwhelming threat, and it's nice to see the Gem a bit wrong footed.

It's gone from great, to good, to decent, to meh. What will it be after another two years?

I was disappointed in the ending because Lars' abduction robbed him of some kind of positive development. The hint that he really has feelings for Sadie (after the kiss on the island so long ago) was nice to see though.

I'm surprised that more reporters and anchors don't vomit when speaking to Conway.

Seize this, honkus.


What a freaking embarrassment this administration is.

I'm not sure that this bomb is the best place to come back. It's delightful, of course, but the angst and struggle is heavy at the moment.

Steven Universe plays discount Mario/Luigi hybrid. Eat your heart out Charles Martinet.

I think the episode was fantastic. A show like this is allowed to have an episode that doesn't have a fantastic plot. Seeing Steven's struggle with his identity and destiny was powerful, and I think it seems like the start of a build towards the end of the season.

I tend to forget her introduction in the Runaway Bride. It's necessary now, but not a great story, or a way to get to know her.