
I pray that fundie Republicans don't realize that the very thing that they rage against (Sharia Law) is the very thing that actually want to implement (taking away women's rights and turning them back to barefoot and pregnant).

She's getting close to Donna Noble territory.

Radicalized Democrats may cry, but radicalized Republicans take their guns and occupy federal lands unlawfully. A wee bit different.

How different is what Colbert said to what Matt Stone and Trey Parker have been doing for years?

I think your medication ran out.


How long before Seagal shows up as an advisor to Trump? I give it a month.

What really steams #45 is that a gay woman is FAR, FAR more popular than he is.

They absolutely hate dancing. The only dancing they can stand is line dancing and the whitey shuffle.

It doesn't reach the heights of the first movie, but it's still damn. A few scenes in the middle could have been shortened so that it didn't drag so much, particularly on Ego's planet, but otherwise, it was great. Dave Bautista is so freaking funny. It takes great writing and great timing to upstage a lot of the other…

That face needs a lot of saving.

Each episode is incredibly well done and emotionally draining. I was glad to see June finally getting a snippet of rebellion to drive her, not just survival. At least that was my interpretation. It makes it easier to get through the rest of the unrelentingly brutal aspects of this show.

Why does everything have to be "tone deaf"?

Does Kirkman get the same kind of harassment?

Ryan can party as much as he wants, but the Senate is starting from scratch. That means that Paul Ryan is the leader of the kiddie table. Go back and eat your hot dog, Mr. Speaker, while the adults try to do something constructive.

"Today our sermon will be about… constancy. Sweet constancy."

Adam Sandler hasn't completely disappeared from Hollywood. Meyers has. I wish Adam Sandler would disappear.

Law of diminishing returns on the trilogy, but the first one still is very quotable. The best parts of the trilogy are those with Seth Green. Until his hair falls off in Goldmember.

Overkill. Just like Game of Thrones. Literally.

All you want is a Tingle,
What you envy's a schwang,
A thing through which you can tinkle,
Or play with, or simply let hang!