The invisible plane can be amusing if they do it right but rather they just have her fly.
The invisible plane can be amusing if they do it right but rather they just have her fly.
Gods they better keep Batman’s role to minimum cameo similar to Fury’s at the end of Iron Man. With DC’s EVERYTHING BATMAN ALWAYS attitude they tend to take I would hate for the first Wonder Woman movie to be BATMAN and wonderwoman.
That shishkebab looks great! No more ugly gas tank to wear.I may go more melee focused then usual.
“We at DC felt there hadn’t been enough women in super hero movies being true to the comics with ridiculously sexualized costumes. So here are Enchantress and Harley!”
Mabel Pines, just the ugliest sweater you own is like 90% of costume. Bedazzling is the other 10%.
From my comment above.
Heh Kylo looks like the back of this guy kinda to me in that shot.
“Ohshitohshitohshitohshit I only got past turn it on in the training!”
That’s an undead priest that came back from the dead to murder fornicating teens. heh
Going to go see this in a minute and then Goosebumps. Admittedly I am more excited for Goosebumps.
It makes sense adding Hulk to the next Thor movie. Neither character is in Civil War that we know of and Thor movies always were one of the lower box office draws so win/win.
So what you’re saying is that all of the critics have panned this movie.
At least we will always have
I’m getting too old for this shit.
Smash dem Atoms
Sure until someone takes issue with him and destroys his truck.
we’re exploring Cisco’s
Do the Amazons use bees?
Please stop equating religion and science, no matter how well meaning you’re being about it. There’s no “belief” in the religious sense in science, and it only feeds into the religious anti-science crap to imply there is.
Once its done we will seal him in and replace all his games with dating sims! For science! or something.