Special Circumstances


Diana, you’re strong AF.

Only a Harkonnen deals in absolutes!

Excellent demonstration of the one thing to really remember and stick to when you’re pulled over: be white.

Yeah, whatever...

“...send their consciousness through time and into other people’s bodies...”

I am fine with Sexy Slave Diego being in a Star Wars standalone, replacing Sexy Slave Leia in pop conscious.

The opening/closing iris door at the top of the Imperial Server Room made me think of Galaxy Quest, because why is that even there?!

Negative Nancy Fatlawyer here. These all sound pretty awful to me.

The end of Book 2 should have been the end of Seveneves. The third part was just silly

Sometimes when I’m lying in bed wracked with mortal dread I imagine there’s a GCU low key hanging out behind the sun getting ready to make contact and sort out my mum’s diabetes and fix my back teeth and take us to the brand new luxury orbital they’ve knocked together.

The Culture series by Iain M Banks. Even at its most melancholy, who doesn’t love a posthuman anarchic utopia run by sassy godlike AIs?

THIS is what greatness can come from casting blind to race & gender.


First they came for CNN, and I said nothing, because I was not at the airport.

Now playing

Maybe someone will see Jodorowsky’s vision through:

Oh, and nobody tell Brian Herbert, keep him the fuck out of it..

A comeback in TV or the movies is fine as long as it doesn’t involve any of Kevin J. Anderson’s contributions. If it does, it can go right back.