
No. Not until the Republicans show even a glimmer of willingness to be nice to us or compromise on their policy goals. Unless this goes both ways, being nice is just rolling over for them.

At the Meijer I shop at, electronics is in the corner with sporting goods on one side and toys on the other. They don’t sell guns, though.

Arrested Development, maybe? They weren’t living in a trailer park, but they lost all their money and status when the patriarch of the family was arrested for high-profile white collar crimes.

There has to be at least one alternate universe where McDonalds never discontinued the sauce, so he could just go there and buy a bunch of it.

It’s an advantage, smaller targets are harder to hit.

Could Mueller send his findings to the New York AG after his investigation concludes, so the state can use that information to prosecute him?

He’s fair game when he’s able to make his own decisions, which yes, pretty much means 18. We can’t fault him for the accident of his birth, and he hasn’t made any meaningful decisions yet that we can judge him for. So leave him be until he’s able to cut ties with his family and decides if he will.

There’s a 24 year age gap between my oldest uncle and youngest aunt, because my Grandma started having kids at 16 and stopped at 40. This also means that my month-old cousin has a 55 year old uncle, incidentally.

It’s probably the most kid-friendly MCU movie. Michael Keaton is pretty menacing, one person (a minor villain) dies on screen, and there’s a brief joke about looking at porn, but other than that it’s super tame.

You’ve clearly never worked at a gas station that keeps a limited amount of money in the drawer to discourage robberies. Breaking a $100 bill is a huge hassle when you only have $150 in the drawer.

I was mentally pronouncing it as “Cyril”, but I guess it’s open to interpretation.

Straight people had the right to marry a person of their choosing; gay people had to fight for that right. And when they did win it, it was a simple matter of removing gender-specific language in the existing marriage laws.

My sister and BIL came up with two names for their (single) baby, because they picked the names before they knew the baby’s sex.

Did he pronounce it like Guy Fawkes, or just as the word?

Most animals have a much stronger immune system than humans do, because they haven’t evolved to eat cooked food.

Not really. The main exception is the whole Tyrande-Malfurion-Illidan thing, and a couple of notable lore characters are/were married, but most of the important relationships in the game are father/son or teacher/student type things.

I went to my grandma’s birthday party and sustained only minor injuries. (stubbed my toe on a door and tweaked a muscle in my shoulder from holding my baby cousin in an awkward position)

I’m also in the “hates the taste of alcohol camp”. My friends tell me it’s an acquired taste, and my response is “Why would I force myself to like something that’s bad for me?”

Another hot take: wearing clothing bragging about what kind of alcohol you drink makes me think you don’t have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

I personally am of the opinion that we should have professional jurors, who are trained in law, logic, and identifying bias in themselves and others.