Good for Barry.
Good for Barry.
Agree. I have a friend in his 50s who has never felt able to fully come out to his family (although I’m 90% sure they know), and it has ruined every serious relationship he’s ever had. I feel really sad for older people who get mocked for not coming out earlier, when the society they lived in was immeasurably…
Yeah, those “join the conversation” posters were some really offensive bullshit given the real issues right now and the risks protesters are taking to make them known.
Donald Trump and the Chambers of Congress
Evan McMullin would be my choice for Sirius. He’s basically the only good Slytherin, and one that consistently puts his neck out even if it means he gets ostracized from his own family/party.
500 days of Fuckin’ up Humanity
I think so. Didn’t one of the judges reference them when striking down Muslim Ban II: Electric Fence Boogaloo?
We must not forget Trump. I don’t want anyone to make this mistake again, or worse, whitewash Trump’s stay in office by insisting it wasn’t that bad. People have done that with even people like Vlad the Impaler so it’s very likely that it can be done with Trump.
My heart broke a little every time I read someone who didn’t know that Betsy DeVos is a Prince. Seeing folks find this out anew is heartbreaking.
America falls...never again!
You don’t know the history of the DeVos’?
Honestly, a slow news day is kind of refreshing after the relentless onslaught of fuckery the past few months have been.
After a certain age (mid 30s I’d say) there’s definitely an expectation that if you’re single and remotely functional you’ve had at least one serious long-term relationship under your belt, and the ones that haven’t yet get skirted around, whether rightly or wrongly. The up-side of that, in my experience, is that…
It makes steaming veggies incredibly convenient
It just occurred to me that, based on the current trajectory, the next person to run for President, GOP or Dem, will quite legitimately be able to run on a platform of “Make America Great Again.”
Why do I think he told the kids he’d give them a bright shiny penny if they looked happy in this photo?
Remember when Obama didn’t wear a flag pin and people absolutely lost their shit? Like, sure he’s worked for decades in public administration, but he’s obviously not a patriot because accessories. That was weird.
The funny thing is I don’t begrudge him for leaning on Social Security. Finding his father’s body, losing him as a teenager, living with his grandma who had Alzheimer’s are all tragic elements that could have had dire consequences. He and his family needed Social Security, and they’re a prime example of the system…
At least, Clevelands isn’t #wahooitup