
Yep. Let’s not ask for 100000x extra work from our black First Family. They do enough.

These are the same people who insist house slaves were treated as family.

Some also sold people for power consolidation and greed. But that reality doesn’t lessen America’s evil. I learned “but they did it too!” wasn’t an acceptable excuse when I was three years old.

Great point.

On the 4th I like to celebrate the fact that monied white men wrote an independence document for themselves in (somewhat) universalist terms and therefore, despite their intentions otherwise, left the door open for the people they left out to fight for the same freedoms they only meant to grant themselves. That

It strikes me that people who hate the government most and understand history least are the ones who celebrate this holiday with the most fervor.

It’s the kid who shits on everyone in class and then is shocked nobody wants to eat lunch with them.

A family which, as a woman, you were duty bound to have. -these same people

You’re selling middle America short.

My tour guide in Rome said many ancient Roman women lost their teeth and lips to poisonous makeup. I guess the trend isn’t so ancient! 

Yeah, too much drinking actually exacerbates what you’re using it to cope with. Doctors have an outline for what too much usually constitutes, but for me personally, even those amounts are too high.

The Tea Party was successful because they were supporting the white supremacist capitalist status quo. Any movement that genuinely is by the people for the people will struggle mightily to succeed.

A friend invited my husband and I to his wedding in Hawaii. On a Tuesday. At a specific house wherein we were to stay for three days (and pay for). With a requirement that we wear certain outfits (like, specific pricey dresses and pants/shirts), even though we were not in the wedding.

But she also clearly prefers him to Chip. 

She only calls him bud when she’s angry.

I always think that about Clint! And I think the feeling is mutual!

And that’s exactly how white supremacist terrorism works. I’m glad everything turned out okay.

Good trouble.

When my students ask me about Black Lives Matter, I point them toward the prevailing opinions about MLK Jr. when he was alive.

“Mommy, I feel bad about being white.”