
Why doesn’t Senator Grassley mention @realdonaldtrump in his tweet so that hopefully the president has a better chance of seeing it?

Dear Betsy:

Having watched this, it appears to be one guy with a black lives matter sign and while I adore this man dearly - if she is going to let ONE person scare her away, she has no business leaving her house every morning to exist in society let alone have this job.

forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school

Now playing

Smiles while watching Brooks get to show his stuff.

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

Using Trump’s logic, it would either be transportation secretary or ambassador to France.

If the France family were smart they would just sell NASCAR to Liberty while it’s still worth something...I’m sure Brian could get a job in the Trump administration with the rest of the unqualified, inept, and intellectually challenged members...and yeah, go ahead and burn me, whatevs...

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.

Hey, I give Nixon some props. He was a crafty pro politician up till the end. He knew the game.

Nixon was a drunk and a paranoid, narcissistic criminal, but at least he had enough of an attention span to read the executive orders he was signing.

“That house belongs to the public”

Seriously it is bullshit. That house belongs to the public, not to their fucking convenience. If you don’t want to do the job, get out.

So, our democracy is Westley in this scenario? Hopefully being miraculously revived after being tortured to death.

Perhaps this has been covered here but since I don’t remember seeing it :

God I hope hes as miserable as we all think he is. I also hope he lives for many more years, and has to live with the shame hes brought on our country and on his stupid family name. I hope people still protest him and mock him long after his inevitable impeachment. I hope this fucker pays for the damage hes done.

So it never occurred to anyone to ask the White House staff how to turn on the lights?

fun fact; the little spots on the Corvette’s rear window are tiny Corvette logos.