

Los Angeles, 1987.

See you tomorrow.

Dear TV producers,

I think the better question is why do we keep on letting idiots into the federal government.

Between the fact that I find this all confusing and nonsensical and the whole “yellows beget yellows” phenomenon,

Get outta here with that crazy talk

I’ve got a great idea for a new racing series! Now I know this is a little bit crazy and not what we’re used to, but hear me out, you guys might like it...What if we have a series where points are awarded to the top finishers in each race and the driver with the most points at the end of the season wins the

My Cajun grandma would make small batches of jambalaya straight in a rice cooker, using chicken stock instead of water, sliced cooked andouille, whatever spice mix we liked, and some chopped sauteed bell peppers and onions. It wasn’t as good as the massive “proper” stovetop stock pot batches, but it also took a

It’s almost like the more he tightens his grip, the more systems will slip through his fingers.

THIS MAN. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM. Seriously him saying he wanted to kill him self when he found out he wasn’t going to be an announcer broke my heart. And as was stated on the original post, a man of this age who has participated in many many inaugurations clearly holds it close to his heart regardless of who is

Still too soon...

Uh, no, you have that wrong.

This is how it’s going to be across the board, because:

Is there any truth to the rumor that this man was seeing wheeling into Trump Tower this morning?

Now playing

Actual footage from Trump’s transition team planning sessions: