
Trump: You know, Luke was a terrible Jedi. That’s true. He didn’t complete his training with Yoda and got his hand chopped off by his dad. Sad. I’d never get my hand chopped off, and that has nothing to do with the size of my hands. My hands are actually huge. They’re luxurious. They’re the best hands.

I expect that most thought that normal precedent would be followed. That is, that they wouldn’t be replaced until a replacement is found and that they would be allowed time to process passports/sell belongings/arrange schooling for children/etc.

So, let me he’s gonna appoint a bunch of diplomats with pro-Russian ties/interests?

At least John McCain was capable of showing a shred of decency with regards to his political opponent. Trump’s version was just going back on a batfuck crazy promise to jail his rival.

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

Waiting for Google?

On one occasion he was patrolling inside the perimeter of the Palace walls at 3 a.m. when he spotted a figure in the darkness. Thinking that he had come across an intruder, he shouted: “Who’s that?” To his surprise it was the Queen. “Bloody hell, Your Majesty, I nearly shot you,” he blurted out. Realising that he had

Queen Elizabeth managed to get out of 2016 alive. She’s tough enough that she doesn’t need any help from God.

“That’s quite all right,” HM replied. “Next time I’ll ring through beforehand so you don’t have to shoot me.”

But who? No snark or bullshit, who? I mean, who do we cast for the role? Helen Mirren?

You should have trusted your instincts. Now is not the time to be nitpicking.

Now playing

I put on my Bith face and played out our missing General.

Berke Breathed (Bloom County) penned this memorial the other day

this summed it up perfectly for me:

A fitting end to Episode 9. RIP Princess.....

I hope they’ll have a tribute to the original trilogy cast. Like how Star Trek Beyond inserted the cast photo of the original Star Trek cast when nuSpock was given oldSpock’s personal effects. THAT scene had me crying manly tears for sure.

1. Misspelled “lose”

All those moments will be lost in time, like