
Maybe we should have Ben back here more often... what do you guys think about that?

From Avengers 24.NOW.

The first page is part of it, but it’s the setup for the singe panel that follows.

Not favourite, but it was a kick in the teeth ...

Neal Adams:

I feel like i’m showing my age with this.

My favorite panels tend to be ones with strong emotional impact (cue many panels from Garth Ennis’ run on Hellblazer) but for sheer joy?

It’s gotta be Molly Hayes of the Runaways stopping the goddamned Punisher in his tracks with a well-placed gut punch. (Followed on the next panel by “Punisher’s War Journal:

New one, but a good one

I can’t do a single panel ... but this page. This page made me fall in love with Caliremont’s run more than anything else.

I can’t wait to see this joke on Arrow.

also this one from New Avengers:

I have to post two. One was my favorite for years and years, and the other is a more recent favorite. I _COULD_ trim these down to only the one relevant panel, where the humor/badassery is focused, but the images I found are the whole pages, and context is awesome.

First up, Forge being a total badass:

Okay, technically it’s a sequence and not an individual panel, but holy crap this kills me every time I reread Watchmen.

It’s two panels; deal with it.

Yes, it’s technically multiple panels, but it’s really just the same panel stretched out to fit the dialogue.