
I was waiting for Violet to get a knife and turn Jason from a bull to a steer...

Bill has millions of dollars, but no financial planning? Right...Okay, maybe he never considered a will important, but he waits until now? Bad Bill!

Two words: NISMO Leaf.

I'd think he would be better off to use a quick-release for a steering wheel. Just pull back on it and it'll pop right out.

Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny. Not.

And our first political poo fling!

The Reverend's speech was one of the best moments of the episode, no way you cut that.

I'm wondering how many Haas CNC machines are included in the deal? Ferrari gets some state-of-the-art equipment, and some cash. Haas gets developed Ferrari drivetrains and hybrid technology. If Ferrari does anything well, it's powerplants.

It would probably be in their interest to at least allow one of Michael's doctors to discuss his overall condition, to stop things like this from happening. But the family is not under any obligation to do so. They chose to keep his condition private, and that is their right.

This is from last year; you just getting to it? Lazy.

Ask Dempsey if he doesn't expect to win. He's as hardcore as any team owner, and if you watched him last year he's got the desire.

Between this and the flipped F1, it's a bad day for high-priced cars.

Guy says in the video that it was repoed from someone who was using it for a livery service and renting it out. If the owner knew it was being taken, it would not surprise me if he beat the hell out of it to spite the bank.

You learn this pretty quickly if you are in a city like New Orleans, where keeping your con ID on just screams "patsy" to every con artist.

Ferrari tried it, but gave up.

Welcome to White Bread Hell.

You've never been to Atlanta, have you? There are 71 streets with a variant of "Peachtree" in their name.

Too many.

Ferrari has sold every one of their The Ferraris already. They got enough people to jump through enough hoops to get them to make them feel special because they were the lucky ones who can drive up and down Knightsbridge and get their picture taken. The Ferraristi don't care if a P1 or 918 is faster or better; they