
The warnings are fine.

It’s hard to calibrate sometimes exactly where that line is

He’s come a long way since ‘Saved by the Bell’

Korean kid from OC who casually throws around the N-word and threatens lynching? KNOCK ME OVER WITH A FEATHER.

Social Distortion are a very underrated band.  

Your move, Bakersfield. 

Pitchfork randomly shitting on an album 27 years later is peak Pitchfork.

Well yes, that’s how all apologies that don’t involve time travel work.

“tHe pElIcAnS aRe a tErRiBlE oRgAnIzAtIoN aNd sHoUlD tRaDe aNtHoNy dAvIs tO tHe lAkErS fOr tWo sTaLe sAlTiNeS aNd a pApEr cLiP.”


Monaco may be all the glitz and glamour F1 wants, but the Monaco Grand Parade is the worst race on the calendar.

Monaco is garbage.

Why does F1 still run Monaco? There’s no intrigue in watching a guy win a race after spending 67 laps nursing his tires. There’s no intrigue in watching the car in second completely unable to make a pass from 0.6 seconds down on a car that’s running 3 seconds below the pace. There's no intrigue in watching the 3rd and

I’m starting to think the US might have a problem with religious fundamentalism...

Oh boy. Who ungreyed this dweeb. 

Nailed it!

Not sure Christ really cares much about gold medals. He got hung up on some silver, though.

moron overweight white guy with a mustache?

They comprise the largest group of facebook users

This is an astonishing misinterpretation of the data in that study.