
Figured he'd get used to it if after a while if its just sadness. Especially all the times I...he keeps putting on the wrong mask by accident.

I like them all, Cammy's is like the most appropriate considering she's military.

I was about to ask if it was game related, I haven't seen anything about that in the trailers.

She wasn't rubbing his neck, she was trying to pickpocket the guy in hoodie!

I knew the joke and I still laughed out loud

I think we should at least come halfway and have Japanese people who speak English do the translation. I think an accent would fit better than the straight American voices.

lol@ the emojis

I like the loading screens in Destiny when your just in the ship, wishing I was able to fly it on the way to a mission. Though it looks non violent, this game will fill that roll

I felt, with all the promotion vids of SFIV, there wasnt enough squid ink in that game

I really hope Boyega is the "hero" of this Trilogy

Scouters that cover both eyes?? Innovation.

Pudgy Airplane and "Its a penguin" lol

I'm starting to think the numbers you see on some of the characters signify something. I'm willing to bet each has their own designated number.

this game isn't out yet and I already want a fighter spinoff. These guys remind me of of the characters from Powerstone

Yea that was misleading. I thought he was masturbating everywhere without a care and no one could stop him.

Hope there is a Leopardon appearance

Never understood the hype for this sandwich. It taste exactly like the ribs from t.v. dinners or school lunch. I'll buy one every time just to be sure (brainwashed from ads most likely) and that cafeteria taste is confirmed once again. The cycle never ends. :(

"Best [Insert Game Name Here] character builds," I type into Google. That should give me some quick guidance, right? I don't want to copy them necessarily, but I want an idea of what stats and skills work best for various play styles—not to mention which ones might be entirely useless despite how cool they seem. In

making muffi...nope that was dumb, sorry

they should do an "everything right" for the Raid movies