
Called Ariana Grande a whore, I think?

Oh, I like you. You know what's up. I'll grab some cookies, too.

They're out in full force on Facebook, since this story is in their #Trending topics list. It's pretty sickening.

Don't look at the post about this on the BET page at Facebook. This is not a game-changer for enough people, unfortunately. Still plenty of assholes out there, and SO MANY OF THEM WOMEN, who truly believe that every single woman who's accused Cosby is a lying whore out for cash. And that includes Beverly Johnson.


I've already seen people calling Beverly Johnson a money-grubbing whore for this. If someone's already decided that Cosby is an innocent man being dragged down by gold-digging women, nothing's going to change their mind at this point.

Hannibal Buress didn't start writing for 30 Rock until the 5th season, and The Bubble was a third season episode.

Oh dear god YES. Yes yes yes yes yes.

Yeah, that's because people like to roll up into these discussions and tell us that we have to teach boys not to do stupid shit if we want them to grow up in to men that don't rape or assault or catcall or sexually demean people or any other number of terrible things that people do. So, then we talk about how to

Shirtstorm was engineered by GamerGate. Fuck off with your trolling.

You just made my whole day. Bless you.

I'd totally wear that shirt... just probably not if I thought I might be on camera. Partially because I wouldn't want to deal with the aftermath of wearing a shirt on camera that would definitely offend people, and partially because that's a really garish print.

"Who ate the gratuity?" is going to be KILLING ME for the rest of the day. That is pure gold.

Oh, sorry, I got the order wrong... first she had pneumonia, then she got C. diff while she was recovering from pneumonia. Then her mom died unexpectedly, then she got dumped, then she got the cancer diagnosis.

No, likely a flare-up of gastro issues related to having C. diff while in the hospital after her double mastectomy.

Yeah, it was really nice to see.

Nope! Not interested in more goalpost moving and rules lawyering from your people, or more shitty private messages from your people. After all, you know they call us all shills over there, but since every conversation devolves into screaming about shills, I can see how it would be hard to run an adequate search

I'm not a huge Reddit user, I prefer Metafilter because their moderation keeps the trolls out. But I check out a couple of subreddits now and then... I like the bodyacceptance one, there was a great post up there yesterday from a girl who's naturally skinny but losing lots of weight due to some serious life stress,

If that's your experience, go visit KiA and politely express a dissenting opinion. I do that now and then, just show up and say my piece without any name-calling or smearing... usually what I do is point out, when they start in talking about how slutty Zoe Quinn is or how Jewy Anita Sarkeesian looks, that saying

You guys have got to stop lying and making up retcon stories to make your sad little movement look good. No one buys it... especially not when we can see the weird, lame, hate-filled things you say in KiA and 8chan.

I am SO GLAD that I impulse-bought a ticket to see the show she's doing here next week... Tig, you're a goddamn treasure.