
I picked up Destiny 2 weeks ago, and was level 40 in less than 5 days....This is sad.

But, there's no sure way to know if they are planning to do a "true," open world here, or if they will just reduce the game to a series of locations that you pick from a menu, or as in FFX and XIII, a series of linear pathways leading to the next hub location. Those kinds of things suck, and really destroy any kind of

On behalf of men everywhere who only get laid due to lapses in judgment by women who normally have better sense than to talk to me, thank you.

I remain skeptical that this is anything but a shameless cash grab. It's also disconcerting to me that they plan on releasing it in multiple parts to preserve the scope of the original game....that really makes me wonder how big FF 15 will actually be.

his unpredictable attack patterns, damage boxes, and the fact that he's able to *just keep hitting you over and over* make him harder IMO. I find most of the really "big," bosses in Bloodborne easier to kill, because they are slightly easier to telegraph.

Personally, after realizing that I couldn't reconcile my goals with the goals of the Brotherhood, I just shot Elder Maxon in his bearded hipster face during my genocide of everyone on the Prydwin.

The thing that has always bothered me about the railroad is that the memory wipes they give escaped synths are effectively the same thing the Institute will do to them, except it will leave them without any knowledge of what they are. Who is to say they are really helping them at all?