Charlie Desertly

"It's all, like, your opinion, man."
No, it isn't. One part of my post was opinion, and that was the final sentence. And that, as you should know, was an eminently supportable opinion.

Mine too, I suppose — but that doesn't mean much, because I'm too behind the times to notice albums until several years after the fact.

It wasn't marketed at all.

How do you feel about the Nine Inch Nails version?

I don't understand how your first two paragraphs fit together. Fury Road was fun, but are you calling it "more daring" than "historical epics and Capital A art films," which are "something far safer"?

John Cale, Fear Is a Man's Best Friend

Renaldo & the Loaf, Lime Jelly Grass

Bongwater, Folk Song

Chrome, Stick It to the Android

Butthole Surfers, virtually any track they recorded before Pepper

Talk Talk, The Music Machine

"Why not" is one way to look at things. Why not just cut your dick off? Why not try eating poisonous mushrooms?

Yeah, that's a fair cop, actually.

I don't know anything off that list but the Danielson Famile, but indeed they are an interesting group.

Those are mostly crappy songs.

Most Christian music is not good music, I think is where the pejorative comes from.

Jumpin' Jesus, man. What percentage of the year's articles have been highlighted in this two-part article?

"No reason the same argument made here couldn't be made in favor of Fox News."
Not true. Nothing in this article suggests that truth and falsity don't exist, nor that the latter isn't to be pursued. "A journalist's job is to call bullshit," this article says. "Question the veracity of their subjects' claims…. Pursue

Everybody's perception that the Wilbury's were much older is interesting. I'd speculate that we were a lot less used to the idea of old rock bands/artists still making music.

Trey just hadn't heard from George since talking to him out there. He was on his lawnmower and it suddenly occurred to him to go back out there and check to see if George had never come home.