
non-US airlines are so so so much better. i’m flying to LA for a wedding next year and no joke i’m paying more than i am to go to freaking europe

It is hard to fathom that she would have that resume if she wasn’t First Lady. I am not saying she isn’t capable, far from it, I just think that being the wife of the Governor of Arkansas is a lot less viable jumping off point for the kind of career she has had than being a First Lady.

I know one woman who was sexually abused her entire childhood by her father. Her mother and sisters know of the abuse, and continue to be close to him. She left home, had two kids, then came back and moved herself and her two kids in with her parents, even though she didn’t even need to financially. People with trauma

“She’ll sleep with anyone”

i really don’t condone violence

The fact that Trayvon Martin is dead and this dipshit piece of human garbage still gets to walk the earth as a free man will enrage me until the day I die.

Women in America are taught to love mediocre white men and that’s him in a nutshell.

Yes exactly! I was also pretty bummed by that article. Sometimes the knee jerk pro-porn types will go really overboard defending it.

Indeed. That article pissed me off because a large part of it was devoted to “exposing” that one of the girls featured in the film who claimed she was done with porn was actually still an active performer. The author went to great lengths to do some digging to finally unearth this “gotcha” moment that felt incredibly

I think LaBeau makes a good point that we haven’t heard from the others yet, namely that it’s not just Deen, but others, too. There should be some kind of industry-wide shakeup to make sure things like this don’t happen any more. If we’re not careful, we might think kicking Deen out of the business is enough, when

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

This, a million times.

I look at it more as “See, this is what should actually have a waiting period” rather than drawing a direct parallel. Because a lot of the restrictions on abortions would actually be totally reasonable and helpful when applied to gun purchasing.

When I had my abortion (in NC), I had to sit in a group “therapy” circle and discuss the process and what forms of birth control I planned on using post-abortion.

I so want somebody to talk about the need of more gun control that I do not care.

Yes! I sent this tip. As someone who knows Stacey Newman personally, I can attest that she is one of the most kick-ass women I have ever met. She is always fighting the good fight for women in Missouri, and is someone we can all be proud of. Plus, she’s super nice, smart, and funny.

Is it really telling, though? What it tells me if that she is really playing up the well-meaning white woman as victim role (whether intentional or not) and he is already cast as the angry black male for passionately defending himself against a charge that could fuck up his entire professional career. we don’t even