Charley Deppner

Relevant Penny Arcade is Relevant.

Fuck me, I want this shit to end already. He was in Florida to campaign for his fellow pedophile/sexual predator, ffs. He’s a pathological liar who has never apologized once in his pathetic fucking life, yet he has the balls to call other people out when they make a mistake.

Damn it. I like Big Macs. To my defense, I only allow myself to sink to these deplorable levels about once a year.

I am not interested unless this man/ape duo causes a ruckus, or better yet, multiple rucki.

prediction: this comment thread goes to Hell very quickly.

Ideological diversity is the traditional definition of diversity Sidney. Additionally, based on a variety of studies, ideological diversity is the type of diversity that helps companies thrive. Specifically, they’ve done temperament studies on people’s ideological views. Liberal people correlate highly with openness

Some of the between stages are freeeeaky.

forecast: all the VR devs laid off from that industry’s bubble popping will get hired up by the Kremlin and NSA to build increasingly realistic propaganda, but will just half ass it and end up using stock Unity assets that we’ll be able to spot.