I knew this was coming! Ford is using them as pool cars. Everytime they seem to assign new pool cars, they use a low selling model and they shortly after, get the axe. The previous Escape/Mariner was a poolcar. Then it was axed.
I knew this was coming! Ford is using them as pool cars. Everytime they seem to assign new pool cars, they use a low selling model and they shortly after, get the axe. The previous Escape/Mariner was a poolcar. Then it was axed.
White Stitching on the seats and Black trim on the floormats. This is Half assed at best.
Bonuses for exposed fasteners!
We have The backup braking think in my Wife’s Car. It has saved many a scrape even with the camera and the beeping.
This was neat. When are we doing the F&F franchise?
That looks like the F8 Green on the dodges. No tie in to a movie franchise at all....
There is half a dozen of these down the street from me at an old Fiat dealer from the last time around. they are NOT in this good of condition. NP
If that were artistic instead of German it would read,”Remove everything that isn’t Bulb”
And Jupiter aligned with Mars
I believe that is the adding “air to the tyres” position it is in. if the body were “East-West” and not “North-South” you would be correct. Although that is just today. If we take magnetic declination into account at the time the image was taken, with the moon phase and leap year calculations( Regionally dependent:…
“What if they threw an Emissions Standard, and no one showed up?”
Am I the only one who thinks that Ford’s lawyers being based in the Ren Cen, is funny?
Happy Birthday. May all your noodle consumption needs be met.
I had a really good Rabbi!
So was there one left on the car too? That would add up to nine if so. and if a hubcap falls off in the forest and there is no one to steal it, did it really come off?
That fell off, or including the ones still on there?
Ours is white, so the grand Cherokee looks close enough.