
Well as always... people will be paying people, but we don’t really know how exactly that’l go.  But longer term... as in we’ll probly be dead before then.

Too quick with the Nazi stuff...

Grew up Lutheran, but half my time was spent Catholic. I love all the wierd stuff Catholics do. Liked all the Davinci codes, the Diablo games, anything even slightly related to the lore.

I see what you mean, and I don’t necessarilly disagree, but then I would want some process to formally states that is the rule. I don’t necessarilly know the reasoning behind the public information of planes being available, but I am assuming it was originally made available for reasons other than “pollution”. Correct

You deserve much respect for your knowledge.

To see this occur with my own eyes in high definition...

Makes sense as far as accuracy of the data. Should give a better read of what is truly popular or not.

Yep. I think I heard that one on a podcast.

Now measure the happiness and enjoyment Swift has provided to 100's of millions of people and then wank off.

You forgot to check electric car ownership by race. I bet there are some jokes in there.

To preface, I despise Donald Trump, but this doesn’t feel like some gotcha. I think it is far more likely that it wasn’t scrutinized and was used on a whim. That is embarrassing, but Donald Trump isn’t suicidal.

This is the information I was looking for to watch it or not.  Thank you.

audibly laughed at this one.

That first incident had to be less dramatic than that one or buddy is a psychopath.

see... you’re the commenter people need to watch out for.  Great point.

compared to... other countries?  But then do you mean like China or Columbia?  Probably one of the european one’s?

Elon gets the clicks here... and I do think they actually recalled like ALL of the teslas for that gas pedal issue recently.

speaking of.... did you try using some Bud?

Just bought it for PC.  My immediate thought was oh this looks amazing.  My second thought was oh, this is Assassins creed.... but good.  I’m all in on it.

And... that’s how you comment.  Very informative.