
woh woh woh.... itd be 2x... don’t get ahead of yourself.

just like the gun people say?

This is rad

Not until the next Elder Scrolls!

You should write that story.  I assume that’s not a quote and just you.

Gonna need to happen soon because us humans are getting real close, technologically, to not having to worry about asteroids.

right... that gets significant relatively quickly. But I mean once you send one up... you send one every month for the normal supplies they would need. you obviously have rockets to back up essential requirements in shorter time periods.

Well now I’m thinking all these articles found one reddit page complaining. We might have just been used for clicks.

Yep.  It’d add to the absurdity well.

I want to be mean, but I shall resist.

Right, but we’ve had the internet, in its current form, for lets say 15 years. I don’t remember when facebook started blowing up, but I’m talking about the social media internet. It is the first time in the history of humans, where we essentially plugged our individual brains into one large connected server.

I will never stop saying that you guys need to stop using fascist and Nazi so much. You are completely demolishing any value those words had. Also, it’s just lazy.

Also true, but are you telling me we have like millions of people without empathy or ethics? If anything you’re dealing with an organizations ethics and thats more group think. The alternative thinking is if google fails or is harmed, people will lose their livelihoods.

True, but wouldn’t the protestors also be peaceful about it?

Blocking a highway could be okay... but it better be for something like telling the President not to launch a nuke.

Seems peaceful... Unless the article left out information (which gizmodo loves to do), I’m siding with the protestors.

Anyone know the accelleration of these things?  I’m imagining say a Mars colony and we just set up a conveyor belt of these things to deliver payloads to Mars on the cheap.  Obviously, 

Anyone know the accelleration of these things?  I’m imagining say a Mars colony and we just set up a conveyor belt of these things to deliver payloads to Mars on the cheap.  Obviously, 

I’m a huge fan of everything fallout, but do we really care if they have to retcon the year new vegas falls under? move it back 30 years and I assume we are good? Retconning the official years in games just doesn’t bother me as long as the events are still the same.

IP address monitoring... make them download an app that monitors them. There’s a million ways. If someone is skilled enough, they can get around it, but that’s the same as other crimes.