
I mentioned it a while back, but it comes down to us spending an entire generation teaching people that “racism” is wrong, not the actual acts you commit to be a racist. Same thing with fascism. People know that the term is a bad word, and react to it as an insult with no consideration for what it actually means.

I happened to see this extremely bad take. It was incredibly frustrating and disturbing. I want to quote a different commenter, who has some academic experience in these matters. This is from Arnheim:

The flaw is not what Biden said, but with the current state of conservatives and the Republican Party.

Guys, I’m not the kind of southern racist who burns crosses on front lawns and wears white robes and hats! I’d never call anyone the n word!

But McConnell’s most baffling justification of his anti-reparations stance was, “we elected an African-American president.”

Weird a level headed comment on these stories. You are brave sir. 

There’s nothing in it for him to apologize. He’d have to break character, and that character made him rich. It’s not like anyone who is outraged by this is going to subscribe if he says he regrets what he did.

Ironically, that would be too rich. Remember that the rich will already be fatty and well-marbled, what with all the massages. I’d suggest a chimichurri or another salsa to brighten the dish.

I will never understand the pearl clutching over shows and films revealing tits and genitals when brutal violence is a-okay.
It is fucked up.

But how are you going to get Trump into a theatre? 

And actually, what I think is more dangerous about Biden than his history of grabbiness, mishandling of the Thomas nomination, etc., is that he’s a centrist who just wants everyone to get along at a time when the Democratic party desperately needs someone who will lead it back toward progressive values.

3 1/2 years

Jesus, how long has this day been? And how the fuck has she put in 3 ½ years at the White House if he’s only been in office for 2 ½, and Spicer and that 11-day fool preceded her?

citation needed

He is a right proper bellend, he is.

I won’t even travel across a king size bed for sex. You roll to me. 

If anything, the flying in Anthem alone is excellent. Easily one of the best feeling traversal mechanics in games, alongside like Splatoon’s ink swimming and Titanfall 2's wall-running and sliding.

I hope one day all the people hating on this game actually come around to appreciating it. I play it almost everyday still and have quite a lot of fun with the mechanics. It has the best core gameplay experience of any looter shooter (and most games in general), bar none.