
reload it and hit pause. let the buffer get halfway before you hit play.

yeah i can't agree more man. these idiot children leaving asinine posts about this have no fucking idea.....

Now playing

not sure if you guys heard of space engine. it's not a sandbox, but you can explore. pretty damn cool, and it's free


what resolution is your desktop?

the hole in the ozone will seal itself now. and hell just got really cold.

wipeout HD is badass!

i want grid 2 please!! with candy on top!

now i'm not on a high horse, i am looking forward to try this out.

that is pure gold!

that was so funny, thanks!

big difference in comparison to people's reaction to the janet boob pop. you would think they were switched based off the time periods.

sad but true

that is lame. why didn't they just bling it out and put an ed hardy logo on it while they were at it. have a bunch of puffy paint and bedazzle.

i sense a new photoshop contest on the horizon!



i do like the pattern of the cables.

why is this such a big deal?? you couldn't do that in the mafia games, and driver before that. damn sociopaths.

yeah i never understood that. the nice thing about the pc versions (3 through san andreas) was they had handling mods to make the driving fun.