
Couldn’t the phrase “needs more power” apply to virtually the entire Subaru line-up?

You’re doing the lord’s work.


Yep! Already seeing discounts on ‘em too. There ain’t a ton to go around by the local dealers have them. Bad news is if you want an AMG you gotta take a $50K price jump to the E wagon.

Yep, I don’t disagree with any of that. Doesn’t mean we have to like it though! Plus, it’s fun taking the path less traveled, even if people ask me about my future wagon but frame the question as to why i lowered my SUV...

well shit. at least we’ll still have bursting blue and that maple brown (that i think you can only get on the V90CC and maybe the old V60). Apparently if you do overseas delivery they unlock a bunch of different colours for you because it’s a special order. A lot of work for something that isn’t black or grey.

Oh I get that, but again, Jalop’s are the exception, most car shoppers buy the biggest thing they can afford for those 3 times a year they need to carry more than 4 passengers, or help a friend move a davenport.

wha? where did you see this?

Same, but I would reckon the average car buyer looks at these things with esteem. They also put all their faith in Consumer Reports. Jalops are a clear exception.

Who the hell looks at a Ford Escape and says: “nah, that’s too big”? The thing is little more than a lifted Focus, and that’s a compact car!

The great crossover bust will be glorious.

I love Volvo wagons.

Why does it look like that?

If Subaru can sell a ton of Outback’s a half-decent marketing campaign should move a good number of these as well.

I find my head scraping the roof in my 2012 Impreza but only near the side where the ‘oh-shit’ handle would be. Still enough to be annoying and mess my ‘doo on shoulder checks.

I actually have two real answers for these questions:

My cousins rag on my Impreza all the time, but I don’t think it counts because I largely agree with what they say about it..

There’s a much nicer specimen that lives in my neighbourhood - it’s someones DD, sadly, can’t say it’s for sale, might even be in storage for the winter, but it makes me smile when i see it while walking the dog.

I seem to remember a contingent of straight-edge guys at these shows in Winnipeg but not anyone I could easily ID as a nazi, but then again, maybe they just kept a lower profile.

Friend of mine used to live on the Red just north of Winnipeg and every year during break up the sound of the cracking ice would make him think a train was driving through his living room - very loud, very volatile, but cool to watch.