Easter is stupid. Angel food cake is disgusting.
Easter is stupid. Angel food cake is disgusting.
Middle class Americans are the fucking worst.
Yep. if you are talking to your Jersey snow dealer on the phone, the feds have a reason to listen to you. President Butternut Barf Splat is always the victim.
I miss the simple days of the Bowling Green Massacre. Hey, remember it was less than a year ago that the current president accused his predecessor of illegal surveillance.
Just eight months in, nazicism isin’t evil anymore, it’s just a side. We are in for such a deep fall into hell it will make people’s head spin.
Not of course taking into account people on the lower level are under an avalanche of constant stress which directly affects how you live your life.
I love how he keeps saying free market. What is this magical free market you speak of?
Yes, you ‘worked’ your way up. Not an ounce of opportunity or luck came your way, no sir.
I believe that would be our old pal Rush Limbaugh.
“At no point should a minimum wage job be a career choice.” DO YOU FUCKING THINK ANYONE WANTS TO BE IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR MINIMUM WAGE? You are fucking ghoul. Take your ‘free market’ bullshit and shove it up the anus of too big to fail.
Part of the backing for a live-able wage comes from Silicon Valley fascists. They want it so the masses won’t start thinking about class when we have the first trillionaire.
He is also confident that no unforeseen events could push him or his family into a position to work for minimum wage scraps. Inconceivable!
The way consumerism has worked on the masses to not understand what is happening is astonishing. Consumerism is America’s greatest drug problem, not alcohol, meth, etc.
Blood and soil took inspiration from manifest destiny and the genocide of native americans. Tell me again how we are the ‘moral authority’ on anything?
This flooding is a Chinese hoax, don’t cha know?
There is still just enough people inside the middle class bracket who are subsumed by self delusion and addiction to consumerism. They think their children’s lives will be better; they won’t. They think their lives and frequent fliers matter; they don’t. And worst of all, that things will just continue on, that we…
A way to improve your life easily: Never, under any circumstances watch CNN. Your brain cells and emotional well being will be grateful.
America has never been an honorable, kind, or gentle country, ever.