Needs more puppies.
Needs more puppies.
This *should* make me feel better, as I'm staring down the very real likelihood I'll need to have a hysterectomy in the next few months (fibroids have taken over my uterus). But I have never had surgery and I get squicked out just thinking of it. Good thing there are drugs for that!
My eyes rolled so hard at that I thought they'd pop out and land on my desk. If this douchebag exists, I sincerely hope to someday encounter him in a grocery store checkout line, although I may not be responsible for my actions in response. This kind of self-righteous bullshit pisses me off like no other.
Thank you! I have friends who are like you, but a lot of my left-leaning friends don't believe you exist. The election proved them wrong. Thank you for being sane. :-)
That sucks so hard. My political opinions are/were at odds with most of my family (my mom passed away four years ago so I never got to hear from her how awful Obama is), but we have pretty much just agreed to disagree. My husband's family, however, can be some crazy-ass people over this stuff. They're all in Texas and…
Good point about the actor being in the ballpark. This is why I'm not sure if I can even watch the Jack Reacher movie when it comes out. WTF. Reacher is described as a huge hulk of a guy in the books (6'4" or something, well over 200 lbs), and Tom Cruise is playing him???
Not only is it at least borderline racist, but it's just plain creatively lazy. Come on. It's like a lame Halloween costume — dependent on stereotype and containing absolutely no originality.
I'm 47 (and married) and have recently had younger guys hitting on me — I'm talking about guys young enough to be my sons — in their mid-late 20s. It's odd because five years ago I felt invisible. The only thing that comes to mind is that I've gained a lot of self-confidence in the last few years, and quite simply I…
Shrug is about right. I'm a bit underwhelmed. I like models who have some quirk to them. I just imagine her as the contestant on ANTM they describe as "very catalog."
Never. :-)
This post has so much awesome in it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't snark on one look because all of these ladies rock so hard.
That sounds amazing. Watch out I don't steal it from you!
Oops, I think I just said something very similar to you, but your comment only appeared after I submitted mine. Sorry to be redundant, but glad to see someone else made the same point!
You know what? I sympathize, but I don't really buy this reasoning. Even among skinny people, body shapes and proportions vary enormously. If enough designers make clothing for "plus" sizes, it means there will be a variety of fit models, just like there are for straight sizes, and therefore some designers' clothing…
I'm so stealing that!
I usually really enjoy running for the solitude, but I gotta agree, I bet that would be way more fun!
Oh yeah, he had longish hair and three names...Wayne Scott Something or other, I think. Yeah, Clinton made the show. I love him.
One more reason to love Mindy Kaling — I could actually go on a run with her and keep up!
I thought the exact same thing. I usually don't have much of a beef with the headlines on here, but that one really made my mind go in the wrong direction.
I've always felt the show would not be as popular as it is if she and Clinton weren't sincere. I think I could always somehow tell that she's struggled with self-esteem and self-image in her life too. She has always seemed truly sympathetic when the shows's participants tearfully talk about how they feel about their…