
I’m now an official Grumpy Cat because I’m on the Fed’s side here.

You’re painting the wrong picture, they broke up in 2010--she didn’t immediately marry Ashton. 

I am a big believer in never seeing the exes again. Yes, we had things in common and liked each other, but it’s also called a breakup because it’s broken, and why would I want to be consistently reminded of someone I shouldn’t be with? Also, you can’t drunkenly text someone whose number is no longer in your phone, so.

No. He is creating this mess. No one should feel sorry for him. 

So many Americans can’t see past the nose on their faces. They not only don’t care about how a policy affects their community as a whole, they can’t even see how it might affect themselves in the future. “I have health care now. I’m good. Mah tax dollars!” Never mind that you could get laid off tomorrow, then get

Am I the only person who struggles with cultural appropriation uproar? I thought different cultures mixing and borrowing from each other was the point of living in a diverse society. Is it reasonable to assume that people of different cultures living together would wall off the ability of their culture being used by

I hear this.  I cut off half my family and I regret nothing.  The number of times I have heard “but it’s FAMILY”... good lord.  Just because somebody is related to you doesn’t mean you owe them a sweet g.d. thing, least of all your time.  They can get stuffed.

NOOOOO!!! If she called him, he’d probably record it and then go on yet another press tour talking about her calling him. If he really cared anything about her, he’d stop all this nonsense. He just wants to sell her out.

“Billy Bush, he of the infamous grab-em-by-the-pussy Access Hollywoodtape, has a wife, Sydney Davis, and she’s reportedly divorcing his ass.

And I don’t believe your article is a better response than not responding at all. You’re also continuing the whole saga. You’re outright stating that it’s dangerous to second-guess intentions and then immediately second-guessing his intentions.  This isn’t right.  

I didn’t understand a single thing in this article. 

If you send unsolicited genitalia pictures to someone than I see nothing wrong with them sharing that picture and mocking the poor composition/lighting/cropping/etc. Don’t fucking send pictures of your genitalia to anyone without express permission.

And yet people managed to do it before these apps existed.

Dwayne Johnson is cute and all, but my favorite answer to this question is still Robbie Williams’. When Emma Thompson asked him if he had been “at the business end” of the birth he said he was. “It was like watching my favorite pub burn down.”

They are keeping it really low key, she only makes him wear the I ♥ T.S. shirt around the house.

My skin actually crawled reading this. I’ve defriended people over so, so much less.

I hated Gone Girl, is this story better? For what it’s worth, I thought that Gone Girl was no where near as brilliant and clever as it thought it was, it was convoluted, and I hated the stupid pregnancy thing. I want to like this one, but I also wanted to like Gone Girl because I paid actual money for the book...

“Germany Building Detention Camps”

You don’t have to have anything religious to be legally married in the U.S.

I don’t think she’s saying Dykstra should shut up. I think she’s saying both sides deserve to be a heard and considered before people decide to cast out Hardwick.