
Imhotep. Sorry, “I’m Hotep”.

Didn’t this just happen? They met in Glasgow and didn’t come to any decision? Called it COP26?

I just read over on Gizmodo that the Gas Exporting Countries Forum has formally complained to the United Nations about the “ongoing reductionism and cancel culture on hydrocarbons.”

“I’m not going to work it out for them,” she said the teacher told her. “I let them work it out.”

I just about pulled my neck out of joint when I saw a headline about the concert talking about how someone who’d been paralyzed at one of Scott’s concerts in 2017... wait WHAT?! This has happened before?

Deadly pandemic is ongoing, rabid right wingers want to overthrow the government, homophobia and xenophobia and racism and misogyny are rampant, homelessness, unemployment...

I heard someone explain that it was time to stop thinking about this as “cancelling” someone because of their behavior in favor of “divesting from” them.

“It says here you’re an actor. Anything I might have seen?”
“Well.... I did a skating video a while back. Kind of... guerilla art? If you’d believe that?”

Them: “I don’t see why I can’t say the N word! It’s just a word! And words are just words and you can’t ever be bothered by words”
Also Them: “Don’t use the word ‘victim’ because it’s biased! BIASED BIASED BIASED! So please use the terms ‘bad guys’, ‘murderers’ and ‘THEY’RE COMING TO GET YOU!’.”

Hell, I’d just be happy to buy tickets without feeling like I’m playing a game of Minesweeper. Dune is the movie that’s getting me back into the theater and I was chill about buying tickets for about thirty seconds... and then every bit of anxiety came rushing back to the fore.

Therefore, when Harriot makes fun of “mayospaiens” a generalized term that insults a skin color and not an ideology, he is being racist towards me.

I heard a great phrase the other day: “contrarian without a cause”. That’s Chappelle at this point. And while Carlin didn’t have a “cause” as such, he definitely had a worldview and a perspective that informed where he was coming from and what he wanted to see in the world. Same thing with Bill Hicks. I’m sure a fair

Dave may be listening, but is he hearing? Or is he doing the bad boyfriend thing of nodding and occasionally going “mmhmm” when the sound indicates that he should probably engage somehow?

Or we could all just lighten the fuck up and stop trying to force our feelings on others.

Hell, I’m a nobody and there are things that I will only ever say to my girlfriend or some of my friends rather than ever post them to social media. Because they know me and they’ll get that they’re those kind of awful, spur of the moment, “did I just think that, FUCK... but it’s kinda funny, too?” things, not deeply

I saw a post on Twitter that said “We wanted Dave to be Richard Pryor but we got Dennis Miller.”

Now playing

Yeah, let’s make sure all the artists see this bit of a dunk on crypto currency and all the many wonderful thing it can buy you:

Yep. If I had a tight five about how Black people were all [insert every lazy cliche here] but closed it up with something about how that’s an example of the hate we need to overcome to really get along? I’d never hear the end of it.

“Well I thought it was funny...”

That’s right governor, demonstrate how you’re keeping Big Government out of the inner workings of businesses.