
It’s very simple. What they know about “acceptable” protest is found in Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “Letter To The Birmingham News”, a very powerful letter to the editor that made racism go away.

Someone tweeted that people were hoping Chappelle would be the next Richard Pryor, but he turned into the next Dennis Miller.

For $137 million? Nah, they’ll just switch to the cheaper toilet paper in the employee bathrooms for a month to recoup that hit...

“Ellen Who got into an argument with Denzel Washington?”

Open an Etsy store and sell something! And since the USPS is as robust as it’s ever been... what’s that? It’s slowing down and increasing prices because DeJoy and his cronies are fuckfaces while the GOP will never let go of that whole “pension” scam?

He actually posted a followup video to that first one that I saw via a Tiktok user named “tizzyent”, who posts stuff like this and is where I first saw these videos.

Yep. I was raised on really good, authentic Mexican food courtesy of my godparents, who were first generation immigrants. Give me all the al pastor, all the carne asada, all the chicken and rice soup. I LOVE the fact that there’s been a growth in Oaxacan cuisine in my city over the past decade.

Dear Evan Hansen works like a rom com. At first blush, especially if you’re in the right part of the audience, it is heartfelt and moving and funny and you’re just rooting for Evan. But if you think about it (or if you’re not in the right part), it looks a little ominous. Like seeing Say Anything as a teenager and

“Older man, somewhat younger women ... some people just like it that way,”

What? WHAT?! Having only heard the soundtrack, all I know about the plot is what I’ve read on Wikipedia. If this is true... ooh... no...

While the NRA wants us all to remember that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, the people with the guns go out to remind us that they really want to kill people. Like, a lot.

Conservatives: “We need stricter ID laws because democracy and America and...”

And if she dies, none of her cronies will take it as a warning. None of the Covidiots who’ve been frothing at the crotch over “MAH FREEDOMS!” are going to consider getting a vaccine.

Because when I want accountability about a questionably produced show with “good” intentions, I want to hear from the co-host who used to work on “Dancing with the Stars” and not, say, the producers.

Them: “If the homeless and the handicapped won’t apply themselves, won’t even TRY to better their situations, then the free market should take care of them so they die.”

The Atlantic posted an essay asking what it would take to “persuade” anti-vaxxers to get the jab. If the deaths of their leaders, their friends and their family members isn’t enough to convince them, I don’t think there’s much hope of “persuasion” at all!

For whatever it’s worth, an Instagram post from another activist who had been contacted to take part in this show detailing the “audition” process. It sounds utterly dehumanizing and the whole thing really is calculated to distract viewers from what WE can do because obviously there are other people doing it so...

Can’t wait to see what movements and causes they aid with this endeavor. You know, to inspire people. Black Lives Matter? Sex worker rights? Abortion rights? Voting safety? Housing? Rent control?

That’s all they’ve got! The best way to see them is in IMAX 4k with sensurround and smell-o-vision.