
It would suck to tip this over when it was open.

Me have tool chubby.

Thanks Chip. Good advice throughout.

The Starbucks drivethrough will need to get taller.

So if two flying cars have a fender-bump, are they gonna stop in the middle of the lane and tie up traffic for hours while inspecting a nick on the plastic?

@Misfit7707: I really feel like you guys are just winging it with these replies.

@MifuneT: Couldn't hey get the same bang for less bucks with an old Cessna?

@melonade97: I'm already getting spam from northrup for a sale on old aircraft carriers.

I could totally kill this with my Super Evil Anti-Gravity Undefeatable Lightning Laser.

@Batman: Yeah, I got close to that once. Hit the shoulder and the back wheel went wonky and I don't know how but I stayed up. Then I pulled over and changed my pants. Sorry if I sounded snarky. I wish I still had my bike, especially this time of year.

@Batman: You know, if you keep falling off your bikes, look into the Motorcycle Safety Foundation classes. Improve your skills.

What is that font? It's like a whole other language!


$1500 and no pedals? Pass.

But don't the lasers set the trees on fire?

The home and indoor gardening tip omitted the fantastic savings realized by growing your own weed.

The water jug in the toilet tank might have had more value when the tanks were bigger a few years back. There's also the option of the dual flush toilet upgrades that use different quantities of water for solid or liquid waste.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a DISNEY movie. What did you expect? Apocalypse Now?

Gee, that's not a suit. It's an iSuit (patent pending).

If you think this is cool, you should see what I made with two popsicle sticks and a rubber band.