
I keep an old classic in the garage for power failures the cordless phones may go with the power but not that phone.

Books is on the list I just cannot flip through an e-copy of a reference book

@KamWrex: Classic is definately the way to go. I would also add that you really budget for good shoes. Just like a great office chair. You are in them most of the time it is worth the extra for wear and tear and comfort

I think it is a matter of function. In my home office I have a large "L" shaped desk that has plenty of storage a large keyboard tray with plenty of deskspace above for paperwork. This space evolved during my college years into what it is now.

@Lazzzara: I see my weekend unfolding thank you so much for the information

@Lazzzara: Beautiful home screen I to am curious about the icon pack

@Monty: In theory I do not disagree with you however, I would pose a question about content. With incredibly high bars to get content on the fat pipes are we not losing something? My speculation is that if this was to happen the poorly financed content providers would be dropped or absorbed into conglomerates that

Tossing old keyboard 125 feet = wins organization day award, torn rotator cuff, and 6 months of rehab. DONT DO IT!!!!! Not that I am talking from experience or anything...................

Tiered pricing for me I get somewhat. But what is really scary is content that tiered. Seems to me the big companies are coming in and claim jumping the net. I think it is a bit premature to start speculating on Googles intentions, however the tie with Android and mobile market share do bring pause for thought.

Way to go Bill now if you could get them to use their talents to put that much money to good use the world really will be a better place

I think that somewhere along the line when people started blowing the windows out in their cars with ridiculous sub woofer rigs and portable music came into its own the quality gave way in many areas to following the money. I personally get really emotional and lost in my music and collect it to obsession, my gear

I think that somewhere along the line when people started blowing the windows out in their cars with ridiculous sub woofer rigs and portable music came into its own the quality gave way in many areas to following the money. I personally get really emotional and lost in my music and collect it to obsession, my gear

Lets hope it fixes the random reboot problem that just started happening on mine

@TheFu: Why not the LP's my LP's by no means are going away but many have been digitized and are now portable

I would have added display fusion for the multiple monitor crowd. I also would not have added Itunes to the list you wont see it on any of my computers

In the order of most often used:

Spending a good amount of time at work patching I did not want to go through the same thing at home. I uninstalled all but the bare necessities at home and use calendar reminders to run updates for the few remaining pieces of software that I have installed. During my "maintenance" I also run any scans or other system

@bullwinkle12: I seen some intersting articles about this subject on Gizmodo and on Paul Thurrots supersite for windows would post links but the wifi in this coffeeshop is making browsing a pain