
I can totally relate to this. I’m one of those people who were basically born with anxiety problems. As a kid it was more acceptable to be quiet and shy, though I got teased a lot. As an adult, it is absolutely crippling. And no matter how many times I have an anxiety attack over something that turns out to be

Thank you for the kind words :)

I was sexually assaulted back in high school and didn’t tell anyone. I was afraid of being scolded by my family for hanging around such people and I didn’t want my friends to think I was weak. A few years later I opened up to a boyfriend about it, and his response was a contemptuous “well that explains a lot.” That

It’s mostly them. Too many women have internalized misogyny after thousands of years of repression and manipulation at the hands of men.

I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take. My soul is shrivelling away every day.

“Smart people will see it for what it is.”

I like Bernie overall, but I agree that this is absolutely indefensible hypocrisy on his part.

I think he’s simply realized that nothing good is going to come out of the Trump administration, not even for Republicans. Trump only cares about what’s good for HIM. And I think we’re going to see more people “dropping out” as time goes on.

I’m right there with you. This straight up makes me want to die.

I knew Ted was an awful misogynist shitstain, but I wasn’t aware that he’s also a pedophile. Charming.

Everything about this just...kills my soul. I wish someone were there to projectile vomit all over their faces.

Yes, I believe it’s a win. Better to finally force him off the air than keep him on the air and allow him to continue spewing garbage from his asshole and harassing the women around the office.

Damn straight, Gloria! It’s about time we hold the vile misogynist, racist trolls accountable for their shit! It’s finally happening, slowly, but I hope it continues to happen at an increasingly exponential rate.

A step in the right direction, at least. We’ll see how the Commando guys handle these cases the next time it inevitably happens. Maybe, just maybe they’ll actually start to take it seriously.

I’m surprised women were even allowed to use dildos back then.

I’m optimistic, too. Mainly because the younger generations are becoming less and less likely to tolerate this shit. I read that Rupert Murdoch wanted O’Reilly to stay on air but it was the Murdoch sons who demanded to kick him out.

Good riddance!! Let’s hope he doesn’t get a job with the Trump administration, or anywhere else for that matter.

Now you’re talking about celebrities, so of course that’s discussed on here. It’s in Jezebel’s tagline for the website.

I didn’t say it had a point, I said I could see what it was getting at. There’s a difference.

Progressives do care, sweetie. We do. We know that radicalized Muslims exist, we know that they kill white people. These stories get lots of attention, it’s all over the mainstream news. From what I’ve seen, Jezebel uses its platform to discuss issues (usually regarding women and minorities) that often get drowned out