The meanest snowflake is pissed off

“Ham at 57 degrees.”

Looks like the kind of dump that charges $18 for chicken fingers and fries.

Of course Trump has the biggest and best health violations. I expect nothing less from a kitchen that takes an expensive steak, burns the shit out of it, then douses it in ketchup.

Do you remember when people used to say that 2016 was the worst year and that they could not wait for the 2017?

Wow. Hitler is really seeing a rise in popularity during passover.

no let’s all ignore what’s been happening since last November.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Basically that was my first thought too. The reason being, Female, Muslim, Black. Which checks all of the boxes, except ‘jewish’, in which we’ve seen an uptick in discrimination and hate towards since the election. Add to that her body was found in the river...and well...its very easy to jump to that conclusion.

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My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.

Has anyone noticed that some coverage is just, ugh cant find the words right now since my brain is foggy today, but for example, saying their was no evidence she had cheated, as though that would excuse this behavior by this evil turdmunching gobblespit?

I’m sure he thought of himself as a Good Guy with a Gun™, too.

That poor woman and kids.

In front of an entire class of children. One of whom died and another receiving serious injuries. This guy didn’t just kill a mother, grandmother and coworker. He also killed any feeling of safety for the students and staff at that school.

And I hate to be a complainer but I kind of hate that picture of him smiling.

And yet, so many of our esteemed lawmakers want to make it even easier for domestic abusers to access guns. My heart hurts for the Smith and Martinez families.

I just looked up the SWHC stock price. Too bad what happened to United didn’t happen to Smith & Wesson.

Just a good wholesome American using his second amendment right, nothing to see here.

Every time I think my heart can’t break more, it does.

Fuck Kansas voters. You voted for a guy who wants to defund Planned Parenthood, give tax breaks to the rich, get rid of the ACA and is pro-Trump.