The meanest snowflake is pissed off

If only there were some way to keep airlines from selling more seats than are physically available in a plane.

I don’t think you realize how universal it is that every golf course in the country has kids who do exactly what you did. You’re typical kids, not criminal masterminds.

Why on earth would they think that’s an appropriate story to tell the press????

So she’s been passing off fakes since before she got into the fashion business.

My favorite part of that story is that she tells it willingly, with no embarrassment, bragging about how entrepreneurial she and her siblings are. Those apples didn’t fall far from the grifter tree, and have about the same amount of self-awareness.

It only stuck me last week how... constructed her voice is.

I also feel like shes had a LOT of work done in mouth. it almost looks painful to talk

It only stuck me last week how... constructed her voice is.

Sounds like she has her father’s head for business. They are truly a family of Ferengi, except the women are sometimes allowed clothes.

Baby’s First Scam.

The second part of that lemonade stand story In The New Yorker is kind of revealing, too, but in a different way:

It’s been posted a thousand times this week, but it needs to be posted a thousand more:

The lack of security makes it easy for trump to sneak out to play golf. And the place is packed with sycophants who will kiss his orange ass. 

That seems highly inappropriate, especially since it means trump is making money off diplomatic visits.

Hosting the Chinese delegation in Florida was planned before the decided to ineffectually bomb an airbase in Syria..

He’s probably scared he’a going to get bombed. He might not even sleep at Mar a lago, but maybe nearby.

Can anyone explain why the fuck that asshole is in Florida right now? Should he be in DC, since he’s trying to start a war?

“Nobody in the field was questioning his conclusions, so we didn’t either.”

First: Kudos for let us know.

Wide feet here too. I haven’t set foot (har har) in a shoe store for ages since many don’t stock wide sizes. The Internet has been a godsend in that regard, but even some manufacturer’s “wide” sizes aren’t enough (New Balance, for me).