The meanest snowflake is pissed off

Thank you for this. Princesses aren’t just gendered, they are symbols of class and authority! I’m fine with glitter, but we will not rule over other people in our household! But most importantly, thank you for reminding me of this song. Off to make a lullaby playlist of the Coup and Dead Prez.

Didn’t anyone know the Heimlich Maneuver? 

Mom still makes fun of my childhood love of what I called “soft pants.” No denim for me, nosiree!

I feel like princesses is a weird ass hill to die on, too. Save that battle for vegetables, or dating boys with goatees.

Trying to deny your kid a thing is the best way to guarantee that they want nothing but that thing.

All those triumphant republicans had to do to run against a democrat was point out their liberal leanings and how unfair equality really is.

I don’t know about you all, but I think men may be constitutionally too emotional to be in leadership positions.

This so much.

I’ve spent a lot of time doing personal research on empathy, in large part because I am autistic and lack cognitive empathy (the ability to innately discerns people’s emotional states).

This is exactly their mentality. A friend I’ve known since 5th grade’s (well, no longer a friend) mother literally told me that my going to school was taking money from her daughter getting help with healthcare. De-freaking-lusional.

I am sure she will soon be taking advantage of the social safety net once she cannot keep her husband’s business afloat without him.

I won’t argue, but to think that Trump has the answers is fucking hilarious.

I mean...

If she meant “my life,” she shouldn’t have said “the economy.” The economy is an actual thing.

The Venn diagram of people who are racist and people who are dumb is just a fucking circle, friend. Ask me how I know.

But that’s the thing. She isn’t a Mexican citizen, never was. Who is to say how easy or difficult it will be for her to get into Mexico and stay? The family is pretty much shit out of luck.

Nevermind that the economy was better than it’s been in decades

This is the type of thing that actually makes me defend Trump sometimes.